Oranges & Lemons is an album by the British band XTC. The name of the album may have been taken from the lyrics to Skylarking's "Ballet for a Rainy
The band was sent to
Album information
The album produced a minor hit, "The Mayor of Simpleton," the only XTC song ever to top the
The album produced three hit singles: "The Mayor of Simpleton" – reaching No. 1 on the US Billboard Modern Rock Tracks chart, No. 72 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and No. 46 on the
To promote the album and appease the stage-shy Andy Partridge the band went on a two-week acoustic radio-station tour of the
Also of note: "King For a Day," which the band performed on Late Night With David Letterman on June 30, 1989; "Pink Thing," which was a classic XTC double entendre; "Chalkhills and Children," which lead singer Andy Partridge considers one of his favorite compositions.
The album cover is directly inspired by a 1965 WOR-FM 98.7 radio advert poster by Milton Glaser.
The British edition of the
Xtc - Oranges & Lemons
Artist...............: Xtc
Album................: Oranges & Lemons
Genre................: Pop
Source...............: CD
Year.................: 1989
Ripper...............: Cd-ex 1.70 beta 2 & Plextor DVD-R PX-716AL
Codec................: LAME 3.97
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps)
Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz
Tags.................: ID3 v1.1, ID3 v2.3
Information..........: http://chalkhills.org/reelbyreal/a_orangeslemons.html
Ripped by............: «®× on 28-09-2007
Posted by............: «®× on 28-09-2007
News Server..........:
News Group(s)........: §|§KÑð®Ð¡©
Included.............: NFO, SFV
Covers...............: Front Back
1. (00:05:03) - (VBR 319 kbit/s) Xtc - Garden Of Earthly Delights
2. (00:03:58) - (VBR 320 kbit/s) Xtc - The Mayor Of Simpleton
3. (00:03:38) - (VBR 320 kbit/s) Xtc - King For A Day
4. (00:03:35) - (VBR 320 kbit/s) Xtc - Here Comes President Kill Again
5. (00:04:11) - (VBR 320 kbit/s) Xtc - The Loving
6. (00:03:28) - (VBR 320 kbit/s) Xtc - Poor Skeleton Steps Out
7. (00:04:42) - (VBR 320 kbit/s) Xtc - One Of The Millions
8. (00:04:13) - (VBR 320 kbit/s) Xtc - Scarecrow People
9. (00:03:27) - (VBR 320 kbit/s) Xtc - Merely A Man
10. (00:03:18) - (VBR 320 kbit/s) Xtc - Cynical Days
11. (00:04:52) - (VBR 320 kbit/s) Xtc - Across This Antheap
12. (00:03:48) - (VBR 320 kbit/s) Xtc - Hold Me My Daddy
13. (00:03:48) - (VBR 320 kbit/s) Xtc - Pink Thing
14. (00:03:57) - (VBR 320 kbit/s) Xtc - Miniature Sun
15. (00:04:52) - (VBR 319 kbit/s) Xtc - Chalkhills And Children
Playing Time.........: 01:00:51
Total Size...........: 141,67 MB
NFO generated on.....: 28-09-2007 01:44:38
High quality cover art included
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